The Making of new stage : Factory - Part 1

Today (and for the next few update) development blog will be focusing on step-by-step on how,what,and why need to make the new HUB : Factory

No need to fasten your seatbelt, because this will be a slow comfortable journey!




  • Give player that familiar feeling
    Since the game are based on real life, having a similar location/landmark are necessary to make players feel closer to home
  • Supporting role
    Couple of game feature, such as : customizing your vehicle, and building your base, both of them required tools and material that you will usually find in factory.
  • Building the world
    The easiest way to explain the world building are through the presentation of technology, by exploring the factory, player will get a glimpse on the game world.
  • Stage variety
    Compared to common house that players will find often, factory stage give players a different world to explore.
    Tall roof, wide empty area, security room, etc!

Join me in the next part that focusing on making the factory room alive : Security room, Office room, Power Generator room, and many other!