The Making of new stage : Factory - Part 2
Welcome again on the next step of how to make a stage, part 2!
After the introduction on why having a factory is important, now let’s dig on how to making a proper factory stage design.
Start with big picture
When designing the stage, whether its a Factory, Small House, Public Garden, or others, I always start with the big question, what makes them?
When talking about factory, we can set a few distinguishable aspect, such as :
- Machinery
- Tall roof
- Big wide spacey area
- Big window
- Work/loading area
Now after the aspect are written down, the overall design should be made around those to keep the factory feelings alive.
The Floor themes
For the Factory, the floor themes are :
- Heavy Machinery room
- Office room
- Power Generator room
- Security room
After determining the themes, more rules are inserted :
- Heavy Machinery can only be placed on first floor
- Office room can be placed anywhere
- Only one Power Generator room and one Security room allowed
After rules are established, now its time for the imagination running wild.
Researching, looking at reference, inserting the world concept into the each and every one of the object.
Drawing and creating the art for each of the room, furniture, and small details surely fun!
Office Room
Powerplant Room
Security Room