The Making of new stage : Factory - Part 3
Here we go again, with the blog of how to make a stage!
Last update, I explain on the list of the room a factory have, and why having such room is important.
This time, we focus on the other important part which is polishing!
Wise man once said : “Polishing could make the whole theme for the game itself, or nothing at all”
What to Polish
For me, polishing its aimed to those little things at the environment.
Maybe its not much when the object is separated alone, but when the player passing through a corner with the said object placed in it, and entering the room with that object in it, the concept are planted into the brain.
In my opinion, polishing shouldn’t be a loud vocal visual, for example : a big poster with big text, instead it should be a “background” that will subtly build the theme itself.
Like the quote said above, it can make the whole theme, or just be a random detail.
An advertising board that explain the factory goal
Factory name statue
For both objects above, does it intractable? the answer is No
Maybe most player will just walk passed it, but it will slowly building the whole concept of factory stage.
Player will unconsciously noticed the factory name and the purpose of the factory.
Different stage behaviour
Other than graphical polish, the other option is to have a different stage design.
On the image above, there’s an Ogre Core placed at the roof of a room, this condition will not possible on Small House or Forest stage, based on stage design.
Player will need to behave differently to collect the Ogre Core in Factory stage.
That conclude the blog series of How to Make a Stage!
Really appreciate the time, and I see you on the next blog, keep gaming!