Quests and Optimization
Quite some times for new update, super apologize!
Busy doing real life work, some surprise feature that best to kept hidden (wink wink), and doing massive optimization that focusing on lighting, shader, and such!
Past week I been working on quests, that include main and side quests.
On opening the quests book, main quest always located on the first row, with golden gem symbol, while side quests are located below with a blue gem symbol.
Destination of a quest, for example the needed of talking to NPC or accessing an object, will have a main quest baloon on it, this baloon quest will not shown when the quest doesn’t have a direct clear destination, for example : Collect 10 diary on the orphanage, that requires player to explore the stage.
Quest have many data into it :
- Name
- NPC/Object target
- Conversation that will trigger when talking to designated NPC
- Location on the map (x,y)
- Exp and rewards given
- Next quest when it’s completed
Many more I guess
Adding quests feature are quite complex, but its always fun.
Also introducing the second NPC, Cain, that will be a long last companion throughout the journey!