Described feature with red colored text are available only on Nightmare mode


Set in the near future, the vehicle in Ogre Engine are powered by bottomless battery source, eventhough the player journey are set a year after the invasion, almost all of the vehicle are still functioning.

Vehicle have a built-in system that able to identify if there’s no wheel installed, turn them into floating mode. The system also have the function to balance itself on the lack of presence wheel.

Player will start with a default bike that have okay-ish stats and can’t be destroyed.

Vehicle can be found on a HUB, and the type of the vehicle found depends on the type of the HUB, for example : family car mostly are found in the Residential area HUB, while fancy car are mostly found in the showroom HUB.

Vehicle are separated into numerous brands, each with own concept and functionality.

  • Pulsar : All-around performance with colorful customization
  • Vigil : Designed for speed and power
  • Hamari : Cute and colorful Japan brand
  • Jaeger : Built for durability German brand

more coming soon!

Vehicle Stat

Vehicle part are separated into :

  • Engine
  • Small plating
  • Medium Plating
  • Small wheel
  • Medium Wheel
  • Exhaust
  • Special Slot.

Each vehicle part contribute to the final stat of the said vehicle, taking damage in highway mode will reduce random part durability, and when the durability reach zero, the part will no longer contribute to the final stat, until its repaired.


Special Slot stat are unique aspect for vehicle, this slot can be used to place an inventory crate or a weapon mount.


Other than the general stat like HP and armor, some vehicle part also have vehicle-specified stat.
This stat are tied to the type of part, for example : Engine Threshold can only be found on Engine part, and Vehicle Speed stat will never be found on Plating Part.

  • Vehicle Speed stat : Define the speed to outrun the enemies.
  • Acceleration stat : Define how fast you can go from zero to max speed.
  • Engine Threshold stat : Define the total weight limit of the vehicle. If the total weight surpass this threshold, the speed will start to get penalized.
  • Weight stat : Define the weight the part has.


Medium wheel
Medium plating
Small wheel
Small plating
Inventory Crate
Mounted gun

Vehicle Customization

Each vehicle have different amount of part that can be painted, upgraded, and modified.

Painting a part will change its color, or changes its sticker.

Upgrading a part will increase the stats the part given.

Modification a part will changes its appearance.

In order to paint or modify a vehicle, player need to found the related blueprint. This blueprint can be acquired by towing a vehicle to your garage, or found Blastron weekly review magazine.

Painting the body of Vigil-Protonz
Modification the wing of Vigil-Protonz